WENDY SLATTERY - 1939 - 2022

Fleetwood Folk Club have recently lost a regular supporter and poetic contributor in Wendy Slattery who has died at the age of 84 following a short illness.

Wendy was born in Fleetwood but lived and worked as a nurse in various parts of the country before returning to her home town in her later years. She then became a regular member of the folk club audience before being persuaded to read out her favourite poetry one evening. After that she was a welcome regular performer. Wendy’s choice of poetry, usually in dialect, was often nostalgic yet realistic about the hard times of working class people. However, they always ended with an uplifting message.

She was delighted to discover that her Grandfather had written poetry for her grandmother whilst he was serving in the first world war and she read his poems to us around Remembrance Day each year.

Besides her interest in poetry and music, Wendy was a talented artist and member of Fleetwood Art Society. She also had a bedroom dedicated to her model railway, using her artistic talents in creating features of the layout.

Always friendly and cheerful, she will be sadly missed by everyone at the club.