Songs of Paisley
Curated and largely performed by vocalist Evelyn Laurie and singer/multi-instrumentalist, Neil Thompson, this is a collection of songs celebrating their hometown and their status as Paisley Buddies.
From the starting song, ‘Keep Your Eye on Paisley’ in which Evelyn tells of growing up in Paisely, and her return years later, she sings the praises of the spirit of the people as the source of its greatness, to the finale, where Neil tells of the role of the weaving industry in both the historic prestige of the town and also the worker’s contribution to the fight for better treatment, we are introduced, or reminded, depending on your knowledge of Paisley, of its features, both material and human.
Whilst fulsome in its praise for some aspects of the town, there is also a recognition of some of its downsides, albeit rendered with admirable musical expression. We are treated to an evocation of the polluted and rather unpleasant ‘Espedair Burn’ that runs through the town, though thankfully now largely underground, the tedium of the work for the masses in the spinning mills, the story of Paisley’s own Salem style witch trials and how the town prospered as a result and a particular favourite in ‘Tatabella’, Evelyn’s telling of the aforenamed ‘midden raker’, light on his feet with a song in his heart, but not sufficient to mask his pungency, which forewarned locals of his imminent arrival.
Beyond this, there is also a recognition of the beauty of the area, from the views above the town, the ‘Sweet Dianthus’ flower, which enjoyed great popularity amongst the workers and influenced the patterns in their products, plus the instrumental ‘Pickled Pear’ which Neil composed to reflect the world famous Paisley Pattern, weaving in a Middle Eastern feel to reflect the original inspiration.
Whilst much of the words and music are also provided by Evelyn and Neil, they have also reflected the artistry of their fellow ‘Buddies’, using words and inspirations from local artists, including the Paisley bard Robert Tannahill, poets High McDonald and John Russel, plus songwriters Ewan McVicar and the much loved and fondly remembered Danny Kyle.
An absorbing experience, listening to the music whilst reading of their inspiration, it also leads to consideration of how your own geographical and historic origins could be celebrated. Music, thoughts and ideas, who could want for more?